Starting something new can be intimidating. Here are some common questions and answers.
What is a general Sunday service like?
We gather for worship every Sunday at 11am. You are very welcome to join us!
Is there an evening service?
Occasionally there are evening services at 7pm for special occasions such as Harvest in October, for the Sacrament of Communion in November and on Good Friday. We also have a monthly Life Lounge at 7.30 pm. The evening consists of contemporary music provided by a live worship band, Waiting for Sophie, along with a special guest who share some of their life experiences. Also, we have an annual joint evening service with Silverbirch Evangelical and Ballycrochan Baptist. This usually takes place on the first Sunday evening in June.
How long does a service last?
The regular morning service usually lasts 70 minutes. Every couple of months we have an All Age Family Service where kids stay in church with their parents. The content is child friendly, usually involves guest speakers and the service is shorter, typically lasting 50 minutes.
Where is the church?
We are located at 34a Silverbirch Road which runs parallel to the Ring Road between Robinson Road and Ballycrochan Road. The postcode is BT19 6EU.
The church site is home to Ballycrochan Playgroup which operates in the main halls complex. We are also very near to Kilmaine Primary School.
Where do I park?
Parking is available as you drive in in front of the buildings. Most of the spaces are to the right hand side and the rear of the main church building.
What time should I get to church?
It’s best to arrive at least 10 minutes before the service so you have time to park your car, sign kids in and find your seat.
Can I sit anywhere?
Yes our friendly host team will welcome you at the door.
What do I wear?
Come as you are, the atmosphere is friendly and informal.
What about my kids?
The first 15-20 minutes of the service is usually tailored to younger children. There is then a short break where kids and youth join with leaders in the halls and parents have the option of taking babies to the crèche.
Mums and dads with babies can go out to the crèche at the front of the church through the doors on the right. There is a selection of toys and activities available. We have experienced volunteers who serve on a rota basis to look after children while parents can enjoy the remainder of the service. If a child does get upset one of the volunteers can easily come and get you during the service.
Sunday Club
This is for children from pre-school to P7 and meets in the Beattie Hall. We sing and praise God, then we split into classes for stories, crafts and games. We want to introduce children to Jesus as their friend and saviour and ensure that all children understand their value and worth in a fun environment.
Bible Class
Bible Class takes place in the Special Purposes Unit upstairs lounge during the service and is comprised of young people from Year 8 to those who are 18+. Light refreshments are usually served and it provide an opportunity for young people to find out about what the Bible has to say about their lives and its relevancy in today’s modern world. The style is generally informal and aimed at encouraging participation of all in the group through investigating the Bible in various ways. Also there is plenty of opportunity to ask simple and difficult questions and the leaders endeavour to find the answers.
Will I be asked for money at any time during my visit?
Everyone is welcome to attend church and it’s free. There is no compulsion to give, especially if you are visiting with us. You are welcome to allow the offering plate to pass by.
Presbyterian Churches are all charities registered by the Charities Commission. We provide many different services to the community and the wider ministries and missions of the Presbyterian Church. Individual churches are self-funding through the contributions of those who have chosen to commit to membership. People offer their time, their talents and contribute financially of their own free will.
How can I connect with others?
Normally refreshments are provided for everyone at the back of the church after the service and we also run periodic events to help new people to connect. However during the current pandemic some of these events and activities have been curtailed.
There are also opportunities to join a small group or to get involved in one of the many activities going on. Ask to speak to our Minister.
What accessibility options do you provide?
Disabled parking spaces are clearly marked near the main entrance to the church building. There are accessible ramps on both sides of the main entrance. Our seating plan can easily accommodate wheelchairs at either end of any row.
We also have an audio loop for those with hearing aids. We also deliver audio recordings of the service on CD for those unable to get to church because of ill health or lack of mobility.
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